The 4th Coming - TWTh :  Smile  Special Release Event
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Smile  by kiyaem on Sunday, August 19, 2012 - 11:51:51 AM   Email poster at   Reply to Post  64 Subjects  167 Posts
Mwahahahaha, Kiya is in a dangerous mood this

In celebration of that and Hephaestus's Birthday
this past week, Kiya and Heph will pop on the live
server from time to time, if players are on, to
give out what Kiya likes to call GM Challenges.

GM Challenge event consists of one GM talking to a
player and giving them a challenge to defeat a
certain monster within a certain time frame.


Loku4 was saying he could defeat any monster in
game, being he is maxed lvl of 250. Kiya said
wanna bet?

She then challenged him to fight a Legendary
Dragon and defeat it in 3 minutes or less, to
receive his own very special vanity pet.

He last 2.5 minutes before WoRing out before would

As part of his accepting the challenge and lasting
almost the entire 3mins, he received a GM item, GM
Mjolnar. A special hammer weapon with low reqs but
high boosts and attack.

Care to tempt our GMs??? You get a "chance" to get
something nice if you win or last a long

Kiya GM/Dev
   The 4th Coming - TWTh :  Smile  Special Release Event
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:) :D ;) :cool: :mad: :P :monkeys:
:flaming: :kiss: :lol: :saint2: :frown: :wavey: :fishslap:
:flash: :cry: :hmph: :retard: :coolgleam: :linkrolleyes: :batangel:
:( :bah: :yes: :jester: :love: ^^ :help:
:confused: :silly: :humble: :mixedup: :shhh: :yadda: :blush:
:/ :cop: :bounce: :bow: :@#$: :getit: :kissb:
:moon: :thrup: :banghead: :no: :readit: :lame: :rolf:
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