The 4th Coming : Trading another Acc for tears
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by Itzmebro on Thursday, June 10, 2010 - 1:11:11 PM   Email poster at mallen1043@aol.con   Reply to Post  12 Subjects  19 Posts
Account for tears

LVL 102 INT Mage
STR 35
End 300
Agi 35
Int 275
wis 35

LVL 202 pearl Archer
str 124
End 350
Agi 520
Int 114
wis 72

Lvl 154 wis mage
Str 35
End 100
Agi 35
int 200
Wis 570

Will trade for 800 tears Zeena
   The 4th Coming : Trading another Acc for tears
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:) :D ;) :cool: :mad: :P :monkeys:
:flaming: :kiss: :lol: :saint2: :frown: :wavey: :fishslap:
:flash: :cry: :hmph: :retard: :coolgleam: :linkrolleyes: :batangel:
:( :bah: :yes: :jester: :love: ^^ :help:
:confused: :silly: :humble: :mixedup: :shhh: :yadda: :blush:
:/ :cop: :bounce: :bow: :@#$: :getit: :kissb:
:moon: :thrup: :banghead: :no: :readit: :lame: :rolf:
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